Well I broke down and voted for the paph. As much as I love the L. perrennii (and I may get one anyway) my growing conditions are better suited to the Paph....plus its a smaller plant and my space is limited.
Looks like I'll bow out of this gracefully. Not willing to waste time & $$ on something that just won't do well for me. I have paphs and not giving the right conditions, one has not flowered in 2 years. I'll keep my eyes open for project 4 though. Good luck everyone.
I'm going to bow out as well. It looks like Paph venustum will be the winner and i really don't want one. I've had two already and they have gone to new homes....I just don't care that much for them....and I grow Paphs. (Mainly Multi florals though)
Good luck to those of you that are still in. I'll be watching.