I'll show you what I'm doing. As humidity on sunny days sometimes gets way to low for Haraella, I keep the humidity around the plant up by covering it with a clear Phal. pot. I wet this from the inner side several times a day, when the moist beads almost have evaporated. The air flow must be good as I have to re-wet the plastic pot very often. During the nights I don't cover the plant, besides I have fan running almost 24/7
As you can see below, one of the spikes is swelling, so I guess a bud is on it's way! A root that stopped growing (before I got the plant) decided to grow again (on the right). It's potted in fine bark with perlite.
I water by weight of the pot and because the weight is so hard to determine I just put it on a scale each morning
It came with the brown spots on the stem and base of the leafs, it doesn't progress, I'm not worried about it.
Below, start of a bud, front view.