we start discussions for our third OrchidBoard project in January with an April 1 order date so nobody has to worry about winter shipping.
We had a heck of a time putting together the most recent project. We will make an effort to get an easily accessible plant for all of our members but this time, I won't be searching outside the U.S.
I do have one thing to ask of the participants:
PLEASE only get involved in this project with the understanding that the plant chosen
may not be your favorite. If you choose to join us (and I hope we have at least the participation we had last time

), keep in mind it's not fair to the rest of us for you to back out because it's not what you were hoping for.
***I'd appreciate your consideration in this matter.***
A lot of time and effort goes into this and we do take all opinions and wish-lists under consideration.
For our newer members, the point of the project is to find an orchid that is Intermediate in it's temp needs and it must be one that nobody in the group already has
Our first decision is what vendor to use...we will only order from a vendor with a high-quality reputation. I will then contact them to see if they would be willing to give us a project discount...always nice to get that
We will have a main thread going for discussions and then I will run separate threads to track where we are in the decision-making task.
Our first project resulted in members from the U.S. and Australia growing Phal lobbii. Our U.S. members purchased our plants, individually, from Andy's Orchids.
We have members from all over the US plus Canada and Australia growing Angraecum scottianum as a result of OrchidBoard's second project. Members in the U.S. purchased their plants, individually, from Oak Hill Gardens.
Both of these wonderful vendors gave us a group discount, even though we all ordered our own plants, individually.
Both vendors supplied us with plants within the same growing stage so we, for the most part, all started out at the same point and the quality was outstanding
If you'd like to see how the last project went, here's a link to the main thread and pages of posts!
You can see the additional threads in the Contests & Polls section of the forums. You can also see project plant photos and updates by opening the Gallery and choosing CHAT PROJECT rather than Member Galleries
I'll be starting a thread in January to begin getting a list of members interested in joining us...