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Old 01-11-2007, 10:26 PM
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I don't see it becoming a problem, Tin. It may take a little more work to find one but it can be done
Old 01-15-2007, 12:39 AM
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Default OrchidBoard Project #3!!!

Hey all... we had a blast tonight in chat picking and choosing 'chids we might want for our project plant

Had a great crowd in the chat room:
me, Marie (MDK), Sarah (sjMagoo), Claude (phalguy), Barbara, Lin, Cesar (Tindomul1of9), Todd (toddybear),
Erin (esungirl), Ryan (ryanmor) and Imelda (ewbie)...
even tman was there helping us out! Thanks

We even had Marty stop by and make a very generous offer... an incentive for a possible vendor to give us a discount for the project plant...4 months free advertising here on OrchidBoard!

Marty ----->

I hope I didn't forget anybody

There were lots of beautiful orchids discussed and so far, we like the following:

Phal corningiana
Takes shade and is a warm-hot grower

Coelogyne occulata
Andy's Orchids - Orchids Species - Coelogyne - occultata
Keep out of direct sun, keep fairly wet
Bright; 2500-3500 Footcandles (very bright indirect light)
Intermediate to Cool; 52�F min. to 80�F max.

Amesiella (Angraecum) philippinensis*
Andy's Orchids - Orchids Species - Amesiella (Angraecum) - philippinensis
Orchid Web - Plant of the Week

*This is available at Paramount in Canada (Limited quantities).

Ascocentrum (Dyakia) hendersonianium
Andy's Orchids - Orchids Species - Ascocentrum (Dyakia) - hendersonianium

Brassia verrucosa*
Brassia verrucosa | Orchids Online

*This is available at Paramount in Canada

Phal cochlearis*

This is available at Oak Hill Gardens.

Brassada Orange Delight
Orchid Web - Plant of the Week

Sarcochilus hartmannii*
Andy's Orchids - Orchids Species - Sarcochilus - hartmannii
*This is available at Paramount.
*I love this one but it may be a little too cool-growing for some of us

Oak Hill Gardens

Orchid Species Photographs - Promenaea

Paph Wossner Armenijack

Paph niveum
Paphiopedilum niveum

GALEOTTIA grandiflora
Oak Hill Gardens

Oak Hill Gardens

Flower Size 1/4" [8 mm]

Found in the Himalayas, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Hong Kong in montane forests and humid, mossy, mixed and coniferous forests on mossy branches of old gnarled trees up to 1600 meters in elevation as a small, warm to cool growing epiphytic monopodial orchid that blooms in the spring and early summer and again in the winter on an axillary, arching, branching, to 1 1/2' [to 45 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence that is as long or longer than the leaves.

Miltonia spectabilis var. Moreliana
This is available at J&L Orchids here in the U.S. and Paramount in Canada*.
The price at J&L is $45.00, which seems high for the project plant.

*At Paramount, this plant is listed as LIMITED. Their site says: Last Update: October 17, 2006

I have more listed in my notes but they don't have stars next to them. If I missed any that I was supposed to add, please put it in a reply here.


Okay folks...this fantastic list is what just 9 or 10 of us were able to come up with in our very first discussion!!!

Once more of our participants are able to chime in, this list will continue to grow. After we get through the first rush, we'll start whittling it down more and more until we get close to April. At that point, we'll choose a certain number to put into the final poll.

Then, whichever plant in the poll gets the most votes (PLEASE VOTE ONLY IF YOU ARE IN THE PROJECT...Thanks ), is the plant we will all purchase and grow in our own conditions. We'll track the group's progress through pictures in posts and in the Chat Project Gallery.


Last edited by cb977; 01-16-2007 at 10:34 AM..
Old 01-15-2007, 05:34 AM
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Default My choices

Wow, nice ’chids, I must say

These orchids get my votes:

Acacallis cyanea
Amesiella philippinensis
Ascocentrum hendersonianium (Dyakia)
Phalaenopsis cochlearis (OK, but I have too many white phals already)
Promenea (I had one, but sadly it died.)
Paphiopedilum Wossner Armenijack (lovely)
Paphiopedilum niveum (OK, but I think the flower is quite dull?)

Some Coelogyne is in my wishlist, but could it be some warmer growing species?

Is this chat every sunday? I have now other reason to wake up earlier? (Australian Open )
Old 01-15-2007, 08:34 AM
Toddybear Toddybear is offline
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OK, here is the availability situation in Canada (I think there are 4 or 5 of us interested in the project) for these orchids:

Acacallis cyanea - not available
Galeattia grandiflora - not available
Coelogyne occulata - not available
Ascocentrum hendersonianum - not available
Ornithochilus fuscus - not available
Phal. cochlearis - not available
Phal. corningiana - available at Paramount
Amesiella phillippiensis - available at Paramount and Orchids in Our Tropics
Brassia verrucosa - available at paramount
Brassada Orange Delight - available at Paramount and Clouds
Sarchochilus harmannii - available at Paramount
Paph. niveum - available as seedlings at Paramount and Clouds, bs at Orchids in our Tropics
Paph. Woosner Armeniijack - available at Paramount
Prominea - only Paramount has any; they include P. rollisonii, P. stapelloides, P. Florafest Cheetah, P. Partridge and 4 unnamed hybrids.

Sorry if the Canadians have to limit the list...time to come up with some more choices. How is the availability in the other countries participating in the project?

I have two other suggestions:

Comparettia speciosa - we discussed this one last night and I thought there was some interest

Cochleanthes discolor - this one was not discussed last night but I'll throw it out now.

Old 01-15-2007, 09:42 AM
TerrynFlorida TerrynFlorida is offline

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Project 3 - Plant List &amp; Discussion

All the choices are terrific!
Last night I logged on too early, so I logged off. Got distracted by a phone call from my Dad, and forgot the chat.

Can I still participate? The only plant I have among the list is the Brassada Orange Delight, so I'd love to try whatever the final vote.

Will there be another chat for the project?
Old 01-15-2007, 10:11 AM
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We are going to be tossing around more names before making a final choice. Is there a particular plant you would like to introduce into the discussions? We'd love to hear from you

The last projects never had an actual schedule of just sort of happened whenever a few of us happened to be on (which was like every night ).

The communications will be through the chat room and through this thread. Somehow it all works out

Todd: Thank you...thank you...thank you
It was wonderful to see your list this morning

I'll add the two new ones you listed if you want them on the list...let me know. I don't remember seeing the Comparettia last night...I'm happy to see you were paying attention

and Terry:
Of course you can still participate. We understand that not all members are able to get to chat at a certain time. No problem...we've only just begun.

If everybody just scrolls down towards the bottom of the main Forums page, you're able to see who is in the chat room. If you see a few people in there, come on by The project will probably be part of the ongoing conversation

See you all there

By the way, I think our group last night did a great job!
Old 01-15-2007, 11:52 AM
Toddybear Toddybear is offline
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I'll bring my two additional ones to the chat next time to gauge peoples opinion. I think Comparettia is OK to add but the chat people last night did not see the Cochleanthes and I dare not speak for the rest of the group.
Old 01-15-2007, 02:16 PM
Barbara Barbara is offline
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I did see the Cochleanthes discolour, and I did like it. I'm also ok with the Comparettia speciosa. Love the Sarchochilus harmannii.

I also mentioned Miltonia spectabilis var. Moreliana
I don't know what people thought of this one.

Last edited by Barbara; 01-15-2007 at 02:20 PM..
Old 01-15-2007, 02:35 PM
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Todd: I will add those two once we get a better read on them in the chat room.

Barbara: I do remember thinking the Miltonia is very pretty. I've been able to find it for $45.00 at J&L in the U.S. but can't find the actual listing to go with Paramount's photo
I've added it to the list since it's all tentative right now anyway.

Old 01-15-2007, 04:19 PM
Phalguy Phalguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Toddybear View Post
OK, here is the availability situation in Canada (I think there are 4 or 5 of us interested in the project) for these orchids:

Acacallis cyanea - not available
Galeattia grandiflora - not available
Coelogyne occulata - not available
Ascocentrum hendersonianum - not available
Ornithochilus fuscus - not available
Phal. cochlearis - not available
Phal. corningiana - available at Paramount
Amesiella phillippiensis - available at Paramount and Orchids in Our Tropics
Brassia verrucosa - available at paramount
Brassada Orange Delight - available at Paramount and Clouds
Sarchochilus harmannii - available at Paramount
Paph. niveum - available as seedlings at Paramount and Clouds, bs at Orchids in our Tropics
Paph. Woosner Armeniijack - available at Paramount
Prominea - only Paramount has any; they include P. rollisonii, P. stapelloides, P. Florafest Cheetah, P. Partridge and 4 unnamed hybrids.

Sorry if the Canadians have to limit the list...time to come up with some more choices. How is the availability in the other countries participating in the project?

I have two other suggestions:

Comparettia speciosa - we discussed this one last night and I thought there was some interest

Cochleanthes discolor - this one was not discussed last night but I'll throw it out now.


Hello Todd !

Just to let you know that Phal cochlearis is available at Paramount !

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