Scott, I understand that it's hard to buy something that you normally wouldn't. The only reason I'm asking for some level of commitment is that throughout the process, plants are eliminated because for one reason or another it doesn't fit somebody's needs. If we take a plant out of contention and the person we were trying to accommodate then decides they're not happy with the outcome, it creates the question of whether or not we would've chosen that plant if the unhappy member hadn't participated...and then backed out.
I know that it's going to happen, I'm not asking for a contract signed in blood but it would be nice to keep it to a minimum.
Nobody's opinion here is to be considered lame...that's why this is such a great place

By the way, I wouldn't mind considering a great hybrid
Hope to see lots of you along the way
Everybody is welcome to join the project...we'd love to have more countries involved!

Our first project had the U.S. and Australia....and project two has the U.S., Australia and Canada!

The only problem becomes the fact that many plants available in one country
aren't so easily accessible to another. It'll be another level of chaos but that's part of the fun
I'm sure we'll figure something out...hope to see you there with us.