[B]Plant names in
green are the ones we know (for sure) we can from either Oak Hill or Andy's. Any others that are in the list but the name is not
green means an internet search showed it as available but there's no confirmation.
The orchids that are in a quote box are the
ELEVEN (had a 3-way tie for the 10th plant) going to the final poll
Dendrobium tetragonum (cabbo, Sandy4453, flhiker, Camille1585, whygreenberg, WhiteRabbit, cabnc, MuscleGirl'sHobby, LauraN, Beverly, quiltergal, boytjie, shadytrake, playtime8978, Aileen, stonedragonfarms, zoi2, Lorraine, quiltingwacko, dravenxavier, gixrj18, billbruhm, shakkai, grandmahatter, Roly, Becca, blueszz) <27>
Mini, Small
Light: 1500-3000 fc. Some growers say 60% shade, others say low Phal light and still others say bright works best.

Temp: high 70s day / low 60s night
Available: U.S.(? for quantity), Can, EU
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Paphiopedilum spicerianum (cb977, MuscleGirl'sHobby, whygreenberg, Beverly, billbruhm, cabbo, CoolPhrog, quiltergal, shadytrake, stonedragonfarms, gixrj18, jrhennek, WhiteRabbit, billc, shakkai, cabnc, Roly, Dorothy, boytjie, nenella, fultonh) <21>
leaves 6-12", spike to 14",
days 79-80, nights 66-67
Available in EU, CAN, Oak Hill
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Cattleya intermedia (Don Perusse, orkie, Beverly, flhiker, zoi2, shams, cabbo, MuscleGirl'sHobby, CoolPhrog, Becky15349, jrhennek, billbruhm, WhiteRabbit, Roly, Dorothy)
Size 5-12",
days 80-83, nights 69-71
Available in EU, CAN, Oak Hill
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Masdevallia infracta (cb977, shams, CoolPhrog, flhiker, Camille1585, herf, quiltergal, MuscleGirl'sHobby, cabbo, shadytrake, playtime8978, wouter, billc, shakkai, Roly, Dorothy, Becca, blueszz, fultonh)
6" tall
Light: 800-1500 fc
Temp: high 70s day / mid-high 50s
Available in U.S., CAN, EU
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Dendrobium aberrans (cb977, Sandy4453, MuscleGirl'sHobby, whygreenberg, Don Perusse, camille1585, shams, Beverly, billbruhm, quiltergal, playtime8978, kinknstein, kavanaru, jrhennek, WhiteRabbit, RSS, billc, grandmahatter, cabbo, CoolPhrog, Becca, blueszz, orchider) <23>
size: 2-8"
temps: days 77-82, nights 60-62
Available in EU, CAN, Andy's
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Leptotes bicolor (cb977, MuscleGirl'sHobby, shams, Sandy4453, quiltergal, playtime8978, zoi2, Lorraine, dravenxavier, billbruhm, CoolPhrog, grandmahatter, Dorothy, nenella)
Size: 2-4"
temps: days 75-78, nights 64-66
Available in EU, CAN, Andy's
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Cattleya walkeriana (shams, flhiker, whygreenberg, orkie, Beverly, billbruhm, Don Perusse, quiltergal, RoyalOrchids, orkie, Becky15349, gixrj18, billc, Becca)
size: up to 10"
temps: days 77-80, nights 62-63
Available in EU, CAN, US
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Sarcochilus hartmannii (shadytrake, CoolPhrog, Beverly, herf, kavanaru, WhiteRabbit, orkie, cb977, flhiker, Don Perusse, MuscleGirl'sHobby, cabbo, shams, Camille1585, quiltergal, playtime8978, kavanaru, stonedragonfarms, Lorraine, billbruhm, LauraN, billc, grandmahatter, nenella, blueszz, fultonh) <26>
Size: can grow to 20" but cultivated plants should stay at or around 6"
Temps: days 78, nights 60-62
Available in EU, CAN, U.S.
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Cochleanthes discolor (Don Perusse, zoi2, Sandy4453, MuscleGirl'sHobby, shadytrake, whygreenberg, shams, Beverly, cabbo, Camille1585, CoolPhrog, cb977, playtime8978, billbruhm, LauraN, Dorothy, boytjie, Shirley, Becca, blueszz, fultonh) <21>
Size: 8-14" (I know the 14 is over our specs but what the heck!

Temps: days 69-74, nights 52-56
*grows very well in cool moist air flow)
Available in EU, CAN, U.S.
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Laelia lundii (now known as Sophronitis lundii) (shams, cb977, whygreenberg, Beverly, Camille1585, Don Perusse, shadytrake, Aileen, MuscleGirl'sHobby, CoolPhrog, boytjie, RoyalOrchids, stonedragonfarms, Becky15349, billbruhm, WhiteRabbit, RSS, Roly, Dorothy)
size: 3 1/2-7"
temps: days 85-87, nights 66-68
*growers report that this one grows well in intermediate and cool conditions also
Available in EU, CAN, U.S.
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Jumellea comorensis (zoi2, cabbo, MuscleGirl'sHobby, Zozzl, Aileen, cabnc, cb977, whygreenberg, shams, s.kallima, CowboysEast, playtime8978, stonedragonfarms, quiltergal, dravenxavier, billbruhm, wouter, grandmahatter, nenella, Shirley, Becca ) <21>
Size: small
temps: OW says cool/intermediate but other research comes up as cool-warm so it should work out.
Available in EU, CAN, U.S.
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Bulbophyllum dearei (Camille1585, cb977, flhiker, Becca, shams, CoolPhrog, cabnc, MuscleGirl'sHobby, cabbo, whygreenberg, RoyalOrchids, kinknstein, Aileen, quiltergal, zoi2, quiltingwacko, dravenxavier, billbruhm, grandmahatter, Roly, shadytrake, Dorothy, Shirley, wallyworld, Becca, sarahrm ) <26>
size: to about 6"
temps: days 81-85*, nights 65-66*
*This is considered a warm grower...I'll let the masses decide
Orchid Care Tips: Temperature
Available: U.S., Can, EU (thanks for the info, Camille

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Paphiopedilum henryanum (kavanaru, Camille1585, Beverly, stonedragonfarms, quiltergal, quiltingwacko, gixrj18, RSS, billc, shakkai, Roly, shadytrake, nenella, Becca )
Size: up to 14" tall including spike, up to 14" wide leaf span
Temps: days 84-85, nights 70-72
*This is out of the size range for our project but I was asked to put it on the list
Available in EU, CAN, U.S.
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Haraella retrocalla aka Haraella odorata (zoi2, quiltergal, cb977, Sandy4453, MuscleGirl'sHobby, CoolPhrog, flhiker, Becky15349, LauraN, Beverly, whygreenberg, boytjie, playtime8978, orkie, Aileen, stonedragonfarms, dravenxavier, gixrj18, billbruhm, RSS, grandmahatter, shadytrake, nenella, Shirley, wallyworld )
Size: mini
Temps: day 76-79, nights 62-63
Available in EU, CAN, Andy's
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Masdevallia tovarensis (MuscleGirl'sHobby, cabnc, CoolPhrog, LauraN, cabbo, playtime8978, cb977, Aileen, stonedragonfarms, wouter, billc, shakkai, Roly, nenella, Becca, blueszz )
Size: 7"
Temps: 71-73 days, 54-55 nights
Can be grown 6-8 degrees cooler but not much warmer...although it does bloom in intermediate conditions.
Available in EU, CAN and U.S.
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Angraecum didieri (kavanaru, dravenxavier, gixrj18, zoi2, fieldsofgold, CoolPhrog, playtime8978, Lorraine, billbruhm, wouter, billc, grandmahatter, nenella, Shirley)
Size: up to 8"
Temps: days 82-84, nights 64-65
Available in EU, CAN, US
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Coelogyne fimbriata (Bonsai1504, shadytrake, MuscleGirl'sHobby, zoi2, cb977, dravenxavier, gixrj18, flhiker, CoolPhrog, boytjie, kavanaru, Lorraine, billbruhm, Becca)
Size: 4"
Temps: 81-82 days, 66-68 nights
Paramount--fs $28.00 (med size?) CAN
J&L--mature $18.00 USA
EU several vendors
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Dendrobium chrysotoxum (cb977, orkie, quiltergal, shadytrake, flhiker, MuscleGirl'sHobby, cabnc, dravenxavier, gixrj18, CoolPhrog, fieldsofgold, whygreenberg, Camille1585, RoyalOrchids, playtime8978, kinknstein, orkie, billbruhm, grandmahatter, cabbo, wallyworld, Becca ) <22>
Size: 4-12"
Temps: 81-84* days, 68-69 nights
*warmest days are in spring and reach 88-90 days, 56-68 nights
Paramount--fs $26.00 CAN
Andy's--small bloom size stick mounted $24.00 USA
EU several vendors
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Laelia pumila (orkie, cb977, shams, quiltergal, gixrj18, Becky15349, flhiker, fieldsofgold, Beverly, WhiteRabbit, Camille1585, RoyalOrchids, kinknstein, stonedragonfarms, Lorraine, quiltingwacko, billbruhm, Roly, Dorothy, cabbo, Shirley ) <21>
Size: 8"
Temps: 78-81 day, 63 nights
Paramount--nfs $25.00 limited CAN
SBOE-- no size, starts $25.00 USA
EU several vendors
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Leptotes unicolor (cb977, dravenxavier, CoolPhrog, zoi2, shadytrake, flhiker, Beverly, MuscleGirl'sHobby, playtime8978, shams, billbruhm, LauraN, Dorothy, cabbo, Shirley)
Size: 1-2.5"
Temps: 80-83 days, 64-65 nights
Paramount--fs $24.00 CAN
Andy's--mature stick mounted $24.00 USA
EU 2 vendors
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Masdevallia floribunda (cb977, MuscleGirl'sHobby, CoolPhrog, flhiker, shadytrake, dravenxavier, quiltergal, Camille1585, playtime8978, kavanaru, stonedragonfarms, shakkai, Roly, Becca )
Size: 2.5-6"
Temps: 77 days, 64-65 nights
Paramount--fs $26.00 CAN
J&L--mature $18.00 USA
EU several vendors
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Masdevallia pachyura (cb977, zoi2, CoolPhrog, boytjie, quiltergal, shadytrake, flhiker, gixrj18, MuscleGirl'sHobby, playtime8978, Aileen, kavanaru, stonedragonfarms, LauraN, RSS, billc, shakkai, cabnc, Dorothy, cabbo, Becca, blueszz ) <22>
Size: 3-6.5"
Temps: 69-71* days, 49-51 nights
*These can adapt 6-8 degrees warmer than temps shown
Paramount--fs $28.00 CAN
J&L--mature $18.00 USA
EU 2 vendors
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