Originally Posted by cabnc
Susanne B,
Is there a list of past project plants and the vendor's used? To give us some ideas to start our lists of plant candidates.
Also, you specified the plant will be a species. Any chance that a primary hybrid would be acceptable?
Hi Charlie
All of our previous plant lists, along with all of their growing information, are in threads throughout the Member Projects forum.
We usually go for a species because there's a better chance of them being available in all locations...the U.S., Europe and Canada. You can suggest anything you'd like and we'll have to do the research on whether it fits our criteria...and that it's available in the 3 mentioned locations.
The location part is the hardest part of the project!
This week I was trying to start a suggestion list and found 4 really cute plants...3 of which are not available in Canada

but that's okay...3 more were added to my personal wish-list!