Great, Lin!

I'm adding you to the list...I don't need any further info
I have the frist "chat" scheduled for Sun 1/14 at 8pm. This will be the first of many so if somebody can't make that one, it's okay...just try to stop in after that and get your ideas into the discussion
1 - Intermediate
2 - Nothing too large, many members are dealing with space issues
3 - Our first two projects were geared towards a species plant...we should broaden our horizons and think about some of the wonderful hybrids out there
4 - We will also be trying to pick a plant that our non-USA members have an opportunity to get in their home countries.
5 - In the past, one of the "rules" (for lack of a better word) was that the plant chosen had to be one that none of the participants already had. That becomes the biggest hinderance, so I am thinking that we should
try to aim for that goal but not eliminate any plant for that reason.
How do the rest of you feel about that?
I'm looking forward to getting this list is already in the double-digits! I suggest you put together a large list of "wants" because many get elimiinated, for one reason or another and you'll want to have back-up choices.
What I do is create a folder in my Favorites and keep links to the plants I'll be suggesting in that folder. When we're having our discussions, it's easy to cut and paste a link to the page so the others have easy access to it.
Once we start, I'll be running a closed thread tracking which plants are being discussed.

See you all there!