You should
only vote in this category, comprised of four orchids that should grow well in what is considered a
COOL environment, if you plan on ordering the winning orchid.
PLEASE do not vote unless your name is on this list:
1. cb977 (I will have access to "mystery" plant information ) - USA
2. Becca - USA
3. Roly0217 - USA
4. whygreenberg - USA
5. becky15349 - USA
6. kiki-do - USA
7. dgenovese1 - USA
8. flhiker - USA
9. Bird Song Farm - USA
10. quiltingwhacko - USA
11. gmdiaz - USA
12. dmc - USA
13. shakkai - EU
14. Lene Th. - Norway
15. saraz - USA
16. Dorothy - USA
17. Caseydoll - USA
18. Susiep - USA
19. Quiltergal - USA
20. Djarum Black - USA
21. luckygrower - USA
22. littlehawaii - USA
23. stonedragonfarms - USA
24. irphrog - USA
25. Jim Blanford - USA
26. LauraN - USA
27. darin - USA
28. gixrj18 - USA
29. camille1585 - EU
30. Cookiemonster - USA
31. BellaA - USA
32. Bonsai1504 - USA
Any other votes will not be counted towards the total.
We're doing this a bit differently this time...well, okay, a LOT different!
The list was comprised from a tally of the member's favorites in the COOL portion of our final plant list.
The plants in the poll are the ones that received the most votes...and are available
To keep the mystery, the poll lists only an identification number for each plant. There is NO information or picture to look at. The numbers are just random to avoid any confusion there might have been if I had numbered them 1, 2, 3, ....
Just randomly pick a number and vote for have no idea what you're looking at anyway
This poll will stay open for 8 days from the time it starts.