I love your list, Sue! Especially the Mystery Catts.
Wouldn't that Mystery Orchid idea be an interesting project? Everyone who signed up would receive the same orchids (three different miniature unnamed species). We would have to go by gut instinct and basic culture tips. Maybe a couple clues given along the way. Once they start blooms, the names would be revealed. Or we could throw in some guesses and see who comes closest to guessing the exact species before blooming. Perhaps use orchids that appear to be many different ones, so it would be hard to pinpoint from a glance.
Specify to a certain vendor (discounted of course) that we want three different miniatures and what the requirements must be, and have him decide and ship the three unknowns to whoever signs up with just general instructions.
I'm making this up as I go, but it could be an interesting twist....you think? Just a thought, thanks to your Mystery Catts.
Yeah, yeah, I know.....I got to get a life!