I have the Paph primary hybrid. I got myself the Saint Swithin. What I liked about that project is that everyone could buy something they really liked within the primary hybrid group.
It might be a good idea to do something like that again. Choosing a group of plants, that way everyone can choose what fits the growing conditions best and the plant that speaks to them most.
Language barrier here: You wrote that you would be down with a Den. species project. Is that you are in or out?
I’ll have a look at what’s available here, not too common plants in the hobby would be nice as long as availability worldwide isn’t a problem. On the other hand, I would love to hear about the plants that are on the wishlist from our forum members. That would be a great start.
Curious what is on our members wishlist. Let us know what you would like to grow, it can be a great conversation starter. If you know an intermediate grower that stays on the smaller side, please share. Suggestions are very welcome!
That being said, I always have problems picking a small plant

despite I came back in the hobby saying I only would buy small species. I need some guidance here.