I've narrowed down my search to 3 primaries. For those that know Paphs here, which is likely to be the most forgiving and not too slow growing? I do like delenatii crosses and am leaning towards the Deperle since it's multifloral (and sold in spike!).
Paph Helvetia (philippinense x chamberlainianum)
Paph Deperle alba form (primulinum x delenatii)
Paph Armeni White (armeniacum x delenatii)
Originally Posted by tmoney
we still owe you that keiki and we have one on the little sister that is may be ready. it has your name on it!
I have not forgotten about it, but might be good for you to hang on to them a bit longer! I had a disease wipe out most of my Phals over 2022-2023, and I'm not sure it's safe yet to be reintroducing Phals to the collection. I bought a couple Phals recently to act as the canaries in the coalmine, so now it's wait and see what happens to them.