There are some cool growers on the list that would just not work for me, which is fine.
I noticed Camille included Epidendrum ciliare on her suggestion list. If people are not familiar with this plant, I highly recommend you do some research. I have over 200 plants in my collection and ciliare is among my top 5 favorites. It's an easy grower (mounted), interesting flower (lacy lip) and growth habit and a fragrance very similar to gardenia that will knock your socks off.
2 potential drawbacks for some growers might be that a) it grows best mounted and b) it's a fairly good sized plant.
Mine just won best Epidendrum at the Key West show and is about to undergo a major re-mounting on a new piece of cork when it stops blooming as the current mount is ancient and disintegrating.
I think it's a worthy consideration for the project team.