As the weather is starting to become warmer, I was wondering if we could get a 2021 growing project going... maybe we can first list some species we might be interested in growing?
Essentially, in this project we will be picking a specific plant together that everyone will buy and have fun growing, and sharing photos/updates/information on how they are growing the plant!
I think we'll first compile a list of members who are interested, as well as a list of possible choices for the species we will be growing, and from there we can start voting on which plant we would like to grow. Ideally, the plant should be on the smaller end, not too picky about temperature/humidity, and not too difficult to find for sale. Please chime in if you're interested or have any plant suggestions; the more the merrier!
Maybe, maybe not:
(green = has voted)
List so far:
Aerangis punctata
Ancistrochilus rothschildianus
Ascocentrum ampullaceum (Vanda ampullacea)
Ascocentrum miniatum (Vanda miniata)
Barkeria lindleyana
Barkeria obovata (B. chinensis)
Barkeria spectabilis
Bulbophyllum electrinum (B. hirundinis)
Bulbophyllum lobbii
Cadetia (now considered a section of Dendrobium, I think)
Dendrobium aberrans
Dendrobium laevifolium
Dendrobium moniliforme (lots of variegated forms exist as well)
Dendrobium peguanum
Dendrobium unicum
Laelia/Cattleya lundii
Paphiopedilum micranthum
Phalaenopsis bastianii or P. mariae (two similar species formerly regarded as synonyms)
Phalaenopsis deliciosa
Phalaenopsis parishii
Polystachya concreta
Tuberolabium kotoense or T. quisumbingii (very similar species) - managed to find it in limited stock at Brookside Orchids (I think DirtyCoconuts has ordered from them before)
(The options with the bullet points are ones where we suggested a genus, so I just put some random species that came to mind.

(Options in blue are new suggestions that we may not have looked into regarding availability.)
(Options in black are ones with 1 vendor, or ones that we haven't yet found any vendors for. Options in orange are ones with 2-3 vendors. Options in green are ones that have 4+ vendors or have vendors that have a large stock. Look at Camille's post on page 5 for more detailed info!!