Time is now.... 7:47pm
I actually got back into town at about 5:45... but had to get food, eat, recover a tad, take pictures, and mist.
So I got to the Matthei Botanical Gardens and met my friend at about.... 10:30ish and only the sales area was open not the displays (they like to make you spend all your money first, I think). Displays were open at noon. So we looked around the sales area, and I pretty much tried to ignore everything, because I was looking for Dr. Lehr or Alex. Couldn't find them anywhere. NWO didn't even have a table to sell things! So I asked one of the ladies who was recruiting people for the local society if she knew if anyone from NWO was around, and she said "Yes!" and pointed to Dr. Lehr who happened to be right beside her! It was kind of funny, and extremely coincidental, as he had just come by to drop something off. Alex, who was supposed to have the plants was off judging, so Dr. Lehr went and got them for me. OMG cute!
After all that excitement, my friend and I went for lunch (which was great after that drive), and came back when the display room opened up. After looking at all that, my friend decided he was going to buy me another orchid. I admit, I couldn't protest too much

. In the end he bought me 2!
So without further ado..... here are the introductions:
1. Group shot of the new babies
2. Sho Ten Nou looking very fine with his 2 growths
3. Gekkeikan who has the
4. Anzumaru, who actually has 2 growths, not one, but is about half sized anyway (Alex had actually found one with a big growth like Sho Ten Nou as well as one the size this one has, but it cost twice as much! I was all... I'll take the little one?)
5. Group shot with my standard Neo falcata in there
6. My new Psychopsis Mendenhall "Hildos"
7. My very first Catt! A mini catt called Pot. Samantha Duncan "Orange Heart"
I'll post my Sedirea in the other forum