Hi. I have an Zygo Adaide meadows with two bulbs. One of the bulbs has turned brown and the other still Sems ok along with the leaf growth. Not sure how to post a picture yet. Should I repot and remove the brown bulb I’m afraid I might hurt the good bulb and growth. Thanks.
Is the brown bulb squishy and wet to the touch or harder and dry? Is there a bad smell (rotting bulbs smell kinda cheesy in my experience)? How do the roots look? Have any leaves been lost? You probably can't post photos yet because you're new, but welcome to the board!
It is semi squishy. More on the dry side. The other bulb is firm and green. The leaves are green and it appears to be putting out new leaves 😊. The two roots on top of the dirt coming from the leaf stem are fine. I haven’t unpotted it cause I’m afraid to 😉. Thank you for welcoming me and helping.
I think probably if it is squishy it may be best to remove it, preferably without unpotting it because zygos can be fussy b*****ds about root disturbance. A picture would help, see what other people think before doing anything.