Hi, I bought a Lycaste with 3 large bulbs and two new growths, the leafs grew to some 30cm (10"), pretty quick but then stopped growing. at the end of the season, the leafs yellowed and dropped, and the bulbs that remained are tiny compared to the back-bulbs.
this season i see the same, the leafs stopped growing after about a month.
i have it in a shallow pot with back chips, and i dip the pot in water once a week, and spray the top when it is dry, which is almost every day. i fertilize weekly at about 200 ppm.
i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong... it doesn't look to me like i'm not watering or fertilizing enough, and i can't look at the roots.
see the small bulbs on the front of the last photo, these are from last year.
i'd love some tips and suggestions.