Welcome to Orchidboard!

I corrected the mistake in the orchid's name in the thread title and your post.
Nice that you got a tenuifolia, it's one of my favorite orchids in my collection, and I love the heavenly coconut smell. This orchid loves warm/hot, sunny conditions during the growing season with lots of water. In the winter it takes intermediate to cool temps and watering should be reduced by letting the plant dry out nearly completely between waterings (I water just as the bulbs look like they will start to shrivel).
I've had mine 8 years and it's turned into a monster (over 1 meter wide from leaf tip to leaf tip) and produced over 40 blooms this spring. It lives in a south facing window from late September to May, then it's out in full sun nearly all day on my south-west facing balcony the remaining months (in the Netherlands).