lycaste hybrid just came home with me
And guess from where? the supermarket... (trader joe's)...
I was a bit shocked really, like really...
I really can only grow mini's that are warm/heat tolerant if not loving, and here I am bringing this home. Never grew one. With further research I found that certain species can be warm growing (yellow and red contributing species) that can make hybrids temperature tolerant, but we'll see. I've killed enough things this year, that's for sure, so I'm not holding my breath. For now though it can enjoy the cool weather outside for the next 6 or so months here on my balcony...
Anyway, being that I've never had one before could use some pointers from you guys that grow these monstrous things...
I got it with something like 5 buds and a flower already open... 2x large large pbs, and quite a few smaller ones, and a single leafed growth, which just lost a basal leaf... nots sure what it'll due after it's done flowering, and what I should do with it after it's done flowering? rest it or resume watering in cooler weather?