Originally Posted by Pokey49
I've been entertaining trying my hand at Zygopetalums, but I can not find a source to buy them that has lots of variety. The few that I have found are usually either out of stock or have a very limited selection and are $$$$. Can anyone recommend a reputable source for purchasing some plants.thanks
Casa de los Orquideas (
Casa de las Orquideas Online) has some of the most current breeding in the Zygo realm; they're down in SoCal and put out lists a couple of times a year. Plants are usually 12-18 months from blooming size, but they have great stuff at a reasonable price.
You might also check in with the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate (
www.sboe.com); I've not ordered zygos from them, but their cymbidiums are always spot on.
Good luck,