This cross was made by Porter's Orchids that I picked up in bloom, just this one, at the Michiana Orchid Society's Fall show last month. It was the only Zygo hybrid he'd brought and is a rather small plant. There's no scent.
I agree, I keep smelling it in hopes that maybe I just missed its moment. I'll have to post a pic of the plant to show how small it is, which makes the bloom a nice size. It's kind of a scraggly little plant with no leaves except for those on the two new growths, one in bloom. Guess its not having leaves makes me feel better so many of mine are dropping theirs too! Do you have much leaf loss on your Zygos around this time of year?
I love its lip! Hopefully you'll get some fragrance, if not with this bloom, maybe next season
My zygos tend to lose the oldest leaf here and there, I think usually it's during spring and autumn time.
I'm losing more than older leaves! :/ It's worrisome but I'm keeping a close eye on them. This plant has quite a few older pbulbs that are leafless so that gives me strange hope. I know it's not entirely uncommon but I also know this didn't happen last year, so we'll see.