That's strange, hopefully it isn't 'terminal' in that way. But that's also extremely exciting you have a first bloom, I'm anxious to see it.

And it's not even a year old? Wow.
My Wilsonara did this, grew a terminal spike that I didn't recognize it to be terminal until oh just a few months ago - months after the spike had died - and that had me concerned. Then the older pbulb this pbulb grew off started to grow a new growth so that made me think even more that maybe something was wrong with this younger one, but about a month I think after the one growth the pbulb with the terminal spike started a new growth. Long story short I don't know what to make of this but have experienced it myself. Good luck either way, I look forward to keeping up with how it turns out.
Interested at all in sharing what the cross is yet or do you prefer to wait?