Hi everyone, hope you are all blooming. I don't come here often since I only have 2 orchids anymore but hope to remedy that someday.
My question is about my Zygo I described in Reeses thread. It is in bark in an 8" pot and pretty happy. It finished blooming some nice, big flowers about a month ago and what I thought was new growth at first has proven to be a second spike.

I guess it wasn't quite healthy enough to put them both out at once but I'm thrilled and watching it to try to be sure it isn't too taxing for it.... I could cut it off.
I need to do something with it after it blooms as I got the leading edge too close to the side of the pot. My question is it has sprouted on a backbulb and that growth has just started getting some size (3 psbs). Should I just divide it and grow up the smaller part? I had hoped it would be bushy and nice but it looks kind of bare in the middle and pathetic. I want it to be the healthiest so I keep getting nice flowers, should I just cut off the back and grow it up separately or leave it on there?
thanks for any ideas,