At least 3/4 of the seedlings were victim to zygo rot. There was no consistency in which some succumbed as some did, some didn't - and they were next to each other. I can't ascribe it to leaves getting and staying wet, temperature or lighting. Even the one or 2 under lights got it. Maybe its seasonal, I don't know - it does seem though once your plant gets it, then it becomes an annual event.
However - the good news is that all of them are in the process of recovery. This one has 10 new growths. They will all be going outdoors soon - I have never had the zygo rot attack any zygo plant whilst outdoors ( that I recall ). A couple of tristes are already outdoors - min temps in the late 30's - and seem to be doing OK in a protected spot.
As to the causes and cures for the rot. I honestly don't know as I have tried just about everything. The only other ( foolproof ) route is to hybridise out the tendency and it looks like ( touch wood ) my latest crosses have done just that.