OK, so the flowers I've been waiting for for so long are here at last :biggrin.
For those who didn't see my previous post about the spike here is the background. Back in January 2010 the zygo I had not long bought rotted off all growth and by April all the roots were gone too. I was about to trash it when I spotted a tiny tiny growth, and I decided to give it a reprieve.
It's taken a long time to get it growing again, and it only really got going last spring. Then a month ago I noticed a spike
Rescue Zygo - Spike!
I'm soooo glad that in the early years when the growths kept rotting off again that I didn't give up!
So here at last are the flowers!
The plant is not the easiest to handle with last autumn's growth going sideways, and it's still not massive, but it's come such a long way