Anguloa ruckeri
Anguloa ruckeri is a natural hybrid between Anguloa hohenlohii and Anguloa clowesii, so one can write Anguloa xruckeri. It is reported from Venezuela.
I purchased my plant about 25 years ago, labelled Anguloa clowesii x ruckeri. I have no further information where it originates from. Until today there have been 150 years of confusion between Anguloa brevilabris, goldschmidtiana, hohenlohii and ruckeri. So i thank Dr. Henry Oakeley for his untiring efforts in the research of this matter. I named my plant according to his determination key angulo@.
I think this plant matches Anguloa ruckeri. The flowers are internally yellow with red spots, and the lip is boat shaped. Sorry, but I hated to slaughter the flowers, so I waited until they started to wither.
The plant has grown into huge size, bulbs 14 cm long, plant in total 1 meter high, leaf 24 cm broad.