Paradisanthus micranthus - The paradise little flower!
Beautiful name, isn't it? Paradisanthus micranthus, the paradise little flowers! I think that it fully deserves its name. This rare species grows in the south and southeast coastal region of Brazil, as a ground inhabitant, thriving in the decaying layers of organic mater. It is found alongside small river streams that run toward the Atlantic Ocean. Very difficult to find in the middle of the vegetation when not in flower or bearing pods, it has relatively large plicate leaves, small pseudo bulbs and although found on the ground, its root system is not like those of Paphs, or Oeceoclades and many other ground orchids; it has white, smooth roots exactly like any other epiphyte orchid, so it is possible to grow it accordingly. I only found it in nature one time near a river stream, a hundred meters away from the ocean waters. Enjoy it!
Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 10-18-2007 at 06:18 PM..