Following the discussion on my previous thread about the biggest leaf Lycaste species,after much thought and many photos,i concluded to Lycaste lasioglossa. So i went ahead and bought two of those beauties! They arrived three days ago and one of them came blooming!!!

Here are some photos of them!
Here are the pseudobulbs of the non-blooming one. This one came with a very low level of growing medium,below the rhizome, and with most of its roots bend/broken and appearing to be non-functional,possibly from the weight of the plant alone. I raised the soil level to the base of the pseudobulbs which stabilized the plant somewhat,and watered it as it was dry. How do Lycaste do in such condition? What can i do to help it reroot and recover as smoothly as possible,preferably without loosing its leafs?
I am currently keeping my Lycaste lasioglossa outdoors where they see temperatures of 5-11C daily. How moist should i aim to be keeping them at those temperatures? I am currently keeping them moist,in a place getting about 2 hours of morning-noon sun,with good airflow.
I will be moving them to Pyrgos and groundplanting them in 2 weeks. The temperatures there are around 10-18C daily so they will have some chance to grow a little more before winter.
I plan to use a medium comprised of bark,gravel,peat and black soil for ground planting them with the total of peat + black soil at 30% of the medium. Will this work? What would you suggest as a medium for groundplanting them in a high rainfall area? They need the stability of a heavier mix if possible as there are cats(not mine) that can dig around them.
I have read about this species being lithophytic and terrestrial and elsewhere that it is lithophytic and epiphytic. Whats true for this species in its natural environment? What way of growth suits its needs best in a non-tropical environment?
Also,at what type of ''soil'' does this species grow in nature and where does this species grow as a lithophyte in nature? In gravel? Between boulders?
What about as an epiphyte,if it does grow as such in nature?
Thank you very much in advance!