Yep...Andy's. It's where I've been buying my Huntleyas.
I wouldn't really recommend this species for a first-time Huntleya owner; I've found it to be the fussiest of the genus. The ones that I would recommend as first-time plants would be meleagris and burtii, which seem to be hardier and take more abuse. They're also more tolerant of Florida's high heat and humidity.
Huntleyas are Intermediate to warm-growing, moisture-lovers. I grow them shady, but I've heard that they can also tolerate Zygopetalum light.
Mind you, these plants like
even moisture. If you let them dry too much, they'll reward you by dropping leaves and shedding roots. Likewise, avoid keeping them too wet, as excessive moisture will cause its roots to rot back. They are intolerant of stale medium and so require fresh medium when the current medium is starting to decompose.
When repotting, be very careful around the roots. Though they're somewhat thick, they're very brittle, and the plants will sulk if their roots are disturbed too much.
Right now, my wallisii is nothing more than two brown stumps and a bunch of dying roots. Hopefully, a shot of superthrive will bring it back. This is the second plant I've destroyed, and it looks like I'll be needing to save up for another one.
Best of luck to you. I'm not doing too well with this species, but maybe you will (since everyone seems to do better than me with these plants).