i am growing one zygo...
i think he's in good health, he's developing 6 new vegetation but no sings of flower stalk.... 3 of the 6 vegetation are roughly 30 cm tall (i'm italian, i can't measure with inch, foot.....) and the other three are very short.... someone can tell me how long usually he takes form one flowering and the other? and from which part of vegetation the stalk, eventually, may grow??
thanks a lot!!!
Ciao Fiskio,
The easiest way to answer is to show you here are a couple of pictures of one of the flowerings of my Zygo which show where the flower stems come out of.
Hope this helps!
fiskio, with 3 growths being 30 cm tall (that is 12 inches) they should hopefully show spikes some time in the next year. It sounds like a large and happy plant so blooms should come if its getting enough sun. good luck with it. I have only one tiny zygo that I rescued and it is a long way from blooming, but I love them!