Yay, I'm doing something right! I bought this Blptm Midnight Blue 'Cardinal's Roost' back in May from a local vendor (The Orchid Gallery of Signal Mtn, TN) who classified it as near blooming size. They predicted it to bloom within one to two years, so I wasn't expecting anything until at least next summer.
However, in October it started putting out a new growth, and by December here I am with two spikes! I was a bit worried that the growth seemed to be at an odd angle, but if it's spiking then I'm going to assume it's happy enough.
This will be the first orchid I'll have gotten to bloom on my own, so I'm quite thrilled. I can't wait to see what the blooms look like - there seems to be a lot of variety in this particular cross and I'm hoping for some lovely deep blues.
ETA: It bloomed! All eight of them, too - the 8th is just starting to open. It's not quite as dark as I was expecting but it's still absolutely lovely. :D