Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba
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Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba
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Old 10-25-2010, 05:54 PM
Wolf Wolf is offline

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Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba
Default Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba

Bifrenaria harrisoniae é uma espécie de orquídea brasileira, epífita ou rupícola de crescimento cespitoso que existe da Bahia ao Rio Grande do Sul e em Minas Gerais, onde habita áreas bem iluminadas, frequentemente sobre pedras totalmente expostas ao sol, ou abrigadas, na forma epífitas por árvores com folhagem rala.
Por sua ampla dispersão e diversas populações isoladas existentes, trata-se de espécie extremamente variável com múltiplos sinônimos e variedades de cor, forma, e comprimento da inflorescência.
Este último era inicialmente utilizado para separar estas espécies da Bifrenaria tyrianthina com a qual muito se parece,no entanto, sabe-se hoje que o comprimento da inflorescência de ambas espécies varia conforme a população. A única maneira de diferenciar ambas as espécies é pelo comprimento do calcar na base do labelo, onde a B. tyrianthina tem duas vezes mais longo que a coluna e a B. harrisoniae quase do mesmo comprimento, e pelo estipe, que na B. harrisoniae e largo e na B. tyrianthina é estreito

Etimologia: O nome deste gênero (Bif.) origina-se do Latim: bi (dois); e frenum freio ou tira; referindo-se aos dois talos parecidos com tiras, estipes que unem as polínias e o viscídio. Esta característica as distingue do gênero Maxillaria.
O nome da espécie foi dado em homenagem a Sra. Harrison, esposa de Arnold Harrison (irmão de William Harrison) do século 19, que tinha uma extensa coleção de orquídeas.

Segue abaixo imagens de uma variação mais rara da espécie, que é a forma albina, onde as flores não apresentam qualquer colorido, tornando-se totalmente branca com lfalse do labelo amarelado, diferente da planta típica que possui flores com colorido intenso.

Click na imagem para vêr todas as fotos / Click on image to see all the pictures:

translation, sorry my english writing

Bifrenaria harrisoniae is a species of orchid Brazilian epiphyte or rupicola caespitose growth there from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais, which is home to well-lit areas, often on rocks fully exposed to the sun, or in shelters, as epiphytes on trees with sparse foliage.
For its wide dispersion and several isolated populations exist, it is extremely variable species with multiple synonyms and varieties of color, shape and length of inflorescences.
The latter was originally used to separate these species from Bifrenaria tyrianthina with which much resembles, however, it is known that the length of the inflorescence of both species varies according to population. The only way to differentiate the two species is the length of the tread at the base of the lip, where B. tyrianthina has twice longer than the column and B. harrisoniae almost the same length, and the trunk, as in B. harrisoniae and off and in B. tyrianthina is narrow

Etymology: The name of this genus (Bif.) originates from the Latin: bi (two), and brake frenum or strip, referring to two stalks like strips, stems that attach the pollinia and viscidium. This feature distinguishes the genus Maxillaria.
The species name was given in honor of Mrs. Harrison, wife of Arnold Harrison (brother of William Harrison) 19th century, who had an extensive collection of orchids.

Below is a picture of the rarer species, which is the albino, where the flowers have no color, making it completely white with yellowish lfalse the lip, unlike the typical plant that has flowers with intense color.
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:47 PM
Stitzelweller Stitzelweller is offline
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Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba Male


Abraços for your fine fotos of your excellent flowers!

I have difficulty with this species. I am unable to consistently flower it. I have mature plants that I imported from Alvim Seidel, they flower every two to three years for several years and then nothing.

I learned to stop watering in late summer. What about temperatures? What do you recommend?

This question goes out to the other Brasilian orchid growers who know this species, please.

I have the same problem with Bifrenaria fuerstenbergiana (inodora).

Thank You!

Last edited by Stitzelweller; 10-28-2010 at 01:52 PM..
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Old 10-29-2010, 12:19 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Awesome flower and pictures!
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Old 10-29-2010, 06:00 PM
Wolf Wolf is offline

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Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba

Originally Posted by Stitzelweller View Post

Abraços for your fine fotos of your excellent flowers!

I have difficulty with this species. I am unable to consistently flower it. I have mature plants that I imported from Alvim Seidel, they flower every two to three years for several years and then nothing.

I learned to stop watering in late summer. What about temperatures? What do you recommend?

This question goes out to the other Brasilian orchid growers who know this species, please.

I have the same problem with Bifrenaria fuerstenbergiana (inodora).

Thank You!
This is a plant typical of my region, is found in a wide area in different regions of Brazil.
In my greenhouse, it is cultivated on the screen shading with 70% brightness.
Do not stop watering them at any time of year.
The temperature here in the region in summer varies between 30 ° c 40 ° c, and in winter -5 ° c of minimum and maximum of 12 ° c.
sorry for my english writing

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Old 10-29-2010, 06:36 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Old 10-30-2010, 07:24 AM
Stitzelweller Stitzelweller is offline
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Bifrenaria harrizoniae var. alba Male

thank you for your advice, Wolf
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Old 10-31-2010, 04:28 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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That's really pretty Wolf. I love your pictures, especially the closeups.

By the way, no need to apologise about your English. It's completely understandable, and it's great that you share your posts from your own forum with us English speakers
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bifrenaria, harrison, harrisoniae, species, tyrianthina, alba, var, harrizoniae

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