This guy smells exactly like coconut!!~ I have it growing in a asian orchid pot. I love it's grassy foliage too, so a cymbidum type pot is appropriate. The are more unopened buds coming along
I also took a cutting from it and hoped it would root. The silly cutting decided to bud...maybe I took it off at the wrong time
Wow, now that's red. Nice sharp photo too, I could use some photography lessons. So how big is the flower and how big does the plant get? Will they take hot, humid summers with very little air flow? I'm talking deeeep south here. Like the Mississipi.
Old plants can get very big! But they can be divided and cuttings can be rooted.
I think these guys are very versatile, and tolerate many different conditions. It seems that there are so many different way people are growing then when I search the internet, suggesting they are versatile. I think they will love hot and humid.
Mine is making me crazy!!!
I can't get it to rebloom!!!
The bulbs are nice and plump, the foliage looks great...and it won't bud!
I'm moving it around, trying to find that elusive "happy place".
Fren, is yours getting bright light? What have you been doing to get such a gorgeous bloom?