It's such a dark Zygo, I usually see the lighter ones around here. Really makes the lip stand out though! I like your title, The Color Purple happens to be one of my favorite books and movies!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
When I get home I'll check picture on my computer of the Zygo. I've got. I think it's similar color to this.
Ok I'm home and checked my teeny copied photo. I think its similar, but not exact match. Mine is Zygopetalum Adelaide Meadows x Kiwi Shadow. No spots on mine, but it is supposed to be fragrant. So yours maybe another cross of either of these, hope that gives you some idea of what it might be.
Last edited by phearamedusa; 03-26-2009 at 08:35 PM..
This was tucked away behind another Zygo. Nice surprize... Don't have a name but maybe one of you does...
I have as zygo, but since I bought it in bloom, it has never bloomed for me again. I live in south florida and water and fertilize with the cats. 2x week water, 1x week I use weak fertilizer. How did you get that fantastic bloom. Lucky you!