I bought a zygopetalum hybrid in the fall. Over the past few months, it put up a new healthy growth, but did not put up a flower spike as I was kind of expecting. From what I've read about zygo's, I was hoping that this new growth would develop side-by-side with a new flower spike. But the plant is healthy, so I figure that maybe it's just a young plant and was not mature enough to generate a flower spike this time around. Anyhoooo, it is what it is and I'm just hoping to continue to grow this plant in a healthy way and hope for flowers next time around.
What I'd like some guidance on is potting.
The plant came potted in bark chips, but it is totally overgrown and you can hardly see any bark because the roots almost fill the 3" pot and the plant is hiked up above the pot rim about 1/2".
I am seeing some new roots, now, and I'm wondering if I should repot this chid into a larger pot to accommodate this season's roots.
I don't know if this is a plant that likes to be rootbound or likes to spread out and stretch it's toes.
I'd appreciate any suggestions about potting and fertilization.
Thanks a bunch!