Originally Posted by Oscarman
Very nice Barbara.
What media are you growing in? Looks like charcoal chunks with lots of holes in your pot........how about frequency of watering?
I've had 2, killed 2, but not deterred. My wife loves the scent of Hyacinths, so this be a great addition to my kitchen bay.
Hi Dave, it was growing in large pine bark chips (you know, like what they use on gardens

). We didn't have any regular bark mix on hand and the plant was suffering so that's what it went in. To my great surprise, it loved it. Only problem, this media dries out so fast that it needs water during the growing season almost daily. It was just repotted into the traditional fir/sponge rok/charcoal mix with some coconut for good measure, so I'm expecting (hoping

) it won't need as much water. They also seem to enjoy our humid climate, average humidity rage is between 50 and 90 percent! I'm also careful to water it during the day time, never at night. I also find that they don't like compacted media. It also seems to be a heavy feeder so it gets fert. at one quarter of the recommented strength every other time I water it during it's growing cycle. We now have 2 large plants, a smaller one and another backbulb.

I must be crazy.