Over 3 months ago I mounted a moderate sized Max. Ten. onto a piece of cypress.* I kept it for 2 months indoors with no issues.* I transitioned it to a covered outdoor area with bright, indirect light.* I have began to notice some slight shrivelling of the pseudobulbs.* Nothing major, yet.* I have increased watering to daily early every morning and misting in the afternoon.* Weekly I soak the root area with half-strength fertilizer with 1 drop/gallon Superthrive.* Prior I watered every day to every-other-day when the outer moss felt dry.* I believe the 10-15 degree change in max temp to be a contributing factor, and we are in the mid to high 80's here now.* Will the pseudobulbs 'fill back out'?* Otherwise the plant seems healthy.* I can see some new roots down in the moss.* Input?* Guidance? Opinions?* Just don't want to lose this plant.Gregg
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Shriveling of the pseudobulbs is normally an indication of not enough water. I have the problem with my Encyclias and I just pump the water to them until they are plumb once again. Good luck.