SVO is currently selling TCC15, Pescatoria cerina x coronaria, in the miscellaneous genera section. If you're somebody who likes to grow indoors, and
especially if you like to over water plants, I recommend this. I've grown Pescatoria before and it was very easy, so long as I stood it in a dish of water at all times.
IOSPE has this to say about the genus:
...elevations of 500 to 1200 meters in extremely wet cloud forests at the base of trees as epiphytes with their roots in abundant moss in deep shade.
The hybrid I had before was quite heat tolerant despite the species supposedly wanting cool conditions. It flowered nearly constantly, and was so fragrant I could smell it when I entered my growing room.
Fred Clarke had this to say when I asked him how to grow this:
Paph light levels. Keep on the wetter side. 60 [F, 15.5C] winter nights summer highs 75-85 [F, 24-30C]
It's not easy to see on the photo, but the plant I just bought has two new growths beginning. Based on the size of the previous plant I had, I expect this plant to flower on the growths being made now.
It is in sphagnum moss. I am standing it in a dish with a little rain water. I will not let that go dry. When I repot I will use sphagnum because I can keep that wetter than with other methods. It has fine roots, like an Oncidium, so I will not remove any of the old sphagnum when I repot.
I think these would do well in S/H if the moisture level could be kept near the top of the medium, but I can't assure that with my growing conditions.