Hey gang!
So now that I finally gotten hitched, I’ve begun to muddle the thought of breeding plants in my head more and more.
Vandas are definitely more of my favorite orchids groups, however that 5 to 7 year waiting period to see if I’ve created any useful is a bit daunting. Granted, any orchid will be a waiting game
compared to the Venus Flytraps I have that take at most a little over a month to germinate and a couple of years to display any unique characteristics. There are also the mini Dens I have which might
be interesting to try to cross (their mostly Den. moniliforme, though) as well. What’s grab my attention though, and I’m unsure why, but Zygos haved seemed to catch my attention as of late.
I don’t really know much about their breeding, though, and I was wondering if anyone had any info. I might message Fred Clarke at SVO to see if he has any tidbits he’s willing to share, but I’d
always like to hear from y’all as well.
I’m also curious if y’all have any particular favorite crosses you’ve seen that have been award or not. Er, don’t recommend places I could buy any parent plants at the moment, though. My wallet would prefer me to
try and be more frugal these next few months, and my wife would likely prefer the house to not become a small jungle and lab.