I borrowed two books from the local OS library:
Iconografia de Orchidaceas do Brasil, Hoehne, 1949, Sao Paulo
Orchidaceae Brasilienses, Band II, Pabst & Dungs, 1977, Germany
I'm already familiar with the Pabst book. There are detailed drawings. I hope that the Hoehne book has what I'm searching. It isn't precisely what you recommended; it's close!
Hope you find the information you're looking for, Stitz!
I found some terrific fotos of "natural habitat" in the Hoehne book. There are some real eye-openers. A LOT of Brasilian orchids grow in what appear to be very inhospitable places -- dry, barren rocks. That shatters the typical stereotype of the lush, dripping, tropical, Amazonian jungle!!
With these two books, I have copies of some definitive drawings. I will continue to search for the Vol XII from Hoehne.
Yes, Stitz, the Brazilian Amazon forest is very poor in orchid species. A few square miles of the Atlantic forest here in my region probably beats the entire Brazilian Amazon forest!