What’s doin
Hey everyone , just dropping in to introduce myself and show you what I have going on, right now I have 3 catasetum hybrids and 2 fredclarkeara from Svo on the main tray there they get some morning sun without the sheer and a little later in the day .... like now super cloudy on the one to the right I have a phrag. Grande and a zygo jumpin jack behind the sheer and actually that window receives what my eye perceives as about 30-50 percent less light then the other due to the black big screen and the sheer all the time it’s strange hard to explain but that’s how I run them for now new place only 2 days in so we’ll see I know zygo aren’t into direct sun hence the off to the side and the phrag I figure won’t mind as much so he can catch the rays of extra bright off the other window . The catasetums seem to like more of everything so I figure my half covered half open most days should be ok ? Once I get back to work ( just moved to Colorado last week ) I’ll probably have the sheer on both sides down most days once I’m not here because the mid day sun ( southern window ) can get strong at somecpoints.
Running about 48% humidity with a inkbird probe linked to a humidifier an extra humidity monitor for continuity , a fan that moves the curtains lightly and the leaves do a little wave so I figure good air movement .... humidity trays as negligible as they are for insurance on hot days ummm Klite from first rays at the every feeding 25ppm ratio he’s suggested before . I don’t think I’m missing anything probably add a sunblaster strip in winter if it’s super dank out. Figured you guys might like it got my girl to give me a whole room in the new place ..... Aussie dendros coming in next week 3 of em for my birthday ! From Fred Clarke