Hi all,
I’m Keith, a retired research engineer, and I’ve owned and rebloomed a few Phalaenopsis and a Paphiopedilum ‘American Hybrid’ on our kitchen windowsill. In the last few months things have rather got out of hand and I now have three named and two No ID Phalaenopsis, the Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium humboltii, Promenaea silvana, Macodes petola, Cyrtochilum meirax, a No ID Brassia Hybrid, Zygopetalum ‘Sensation’, a No ID Oncidium Hybrid, two Dendrobium ‘Lady Colman’ and a No ID Dendrobium nobile with white flowers.
They seem to be doing OK and I’ve researched on line as much as possible but I’m sure that shared personal experience is the best way to learn anything so be gentle with a newbie!