Originally Posted by Normkp
Hi Folks,
I came home from the San Francisco Orchid Show last week with new orchids (exciting). I'd been without them for a few years, but couldn't resist this time.
One little beauty came home with no identification stake. I think it's a dendrobium, but I'm not even sure of that. I'm posting a couple of pictures, and I'm hoping one of you can help.
For the record I'm new here and very impressed with the Orchid Board. I grew and successfully bloomed Phaleanopsis while I was living near San Francisco Bay. Now I'm living in the Napa Valley with different humidity and temperature ranges and with different orchids (dendrobium and oncidium as well as phal.) I figure I'll need to learn orchids all over again but I'm eager to learn.
Welcome Norm,
Not 100%, but I think its a Laelia/Cattleya cultivar.
The orange suggests Cattleya Aurantica in its make up.
This is just a 'guess'.Sorry cant be more help.