Hi all,
I joined OB almost a year ago but never participated before, so here I am. I'm a 3rd year vet student currently living in Philadelphia, PA. I've always loved orchids but never had the light to keep even a phal alive/thriving until about a year or so ago. Once they started doing well, I got the fever and now I'm +40 orchids strong. I've been learning as I go and got a little overzealous in diversifying my collection. So far, so good though; I've only lost a few (a catt, phrag, and aerides) that weren't doing great to begin with. OB and the orchid subreddit have taught me a lot and has saved more than one of my orchids.
I am a window grower, but fortunately, I have huge south and west facing windows that give me quite a lot of light. Any advise on my current collection or recommendations for new additions are welcome!
My collection (so far):
- Beallara Marfitch 'Howard's Dream'
- 2 - Brassavola nodosa
- Bulbophyllum rothschildianum
- Cattleya Heritage Drumbeat
- Cattleya intermedia 'coerulea'
- Cattleya Mark Jones 'Lance' x C. Caudebec 'Marty's Orchids'
- Cattleya Memoria Susan Joy 'Carol'
- Cattleya NoID
- Clowesia Pierre Couret 'Flamingo Pink' x Catasetum Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches'
- Cycnodes Taiwan Gold 'Orange'
- Cymbidium HI x V.King
- Cymbidium Pinata
- Cymbidium NoID
- Dendrobium Australian Artist
- Dendrobium Fire Wings
- Dendrobium Little Green Apples
- Dendrobium pierardii
- Dendrobium Purple Cluster 'Ruben's' x Den. (Ausie Charm x Zip) 'SVO'
- Dendrobium NoID
- Epidendrum NoID
- Epilaeliocattleya Magic Wand
- Maxillaria tenuifolia
- Miltoniopsis Hajime Ono
- Myrmecophila grandifora
- Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'
- Oncostele Wildecat 'Carmela'
- Paphiopedilum bellatulum
- Paphiopedilum henryanum
- Phalaenopsis bellina
- 3 - Phalaenopsis NoID mini
- Phalaenopsis YoungHome 'Summer' mini
- Phalaenopsis YoungHome 'Sweety'
- Rhynchorides Bangkok Sunset
- Sedirea japonica
- Sophrolaeliocattleya*Rachel's Sunset Glow
- Vanda Ampullacea x V. Christensoniana
- Vanda Ashleigh Elizabeth Johnson
- Vanda Elizabeth Taylor 'Dark Masked' x V. sanderiana 'Thai #1'
- Zygoisinia Murasaki Komachi