Hey there everyone. Thought I'd introduce myself. I have a very small collection of orchids, mostly because I have murdered way too many. I am finally learning though, and have kept my latest phal in bloom since October - Yeah!
I love, love, love vandas, but can't seem to get mine to flower. They have really healthy root and leaf growth and were in bloom when I bought them, so I know they can do it.
I'm looking to create a shade cloth area in my yard in order to optimize the sun/shade situation. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has done this as a DIY type project with success in this climate. I'd love to just buy a GH, but hubby won't go for that.
Anyway, that's me. Thanks for having me on the boards!
Glad you have joined us at the OB
You are going to find there are many members from Florida and many vanda growers, too!
There is a forum that just opened up on Outdoor Gardening and there are many here with growing areas just like yours.
Explore the OB and enjoy
If you have any questions, please ask