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Old 03-02-2008, 10:00 PM
tokidoki tokidoki is offline

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hello orchid lovers Male

hello there.. did u say u have 78 orchids.. ONLY??? well that makes me look like i have nothing! mwahahaa... yes it does seem like i would need to plan out things incase i get orchid-fever.. i might need to plan where to put them etc.. hehe.. i would love to start getting a dendrobium again.. because thats what i started with but it died long ago.. any suggestions which dendro to get? and is there any good websites to order them from?
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Old 03-02-2008, 10:23 PM
moogiemama moogiemama is offline
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hello orchid lovers Female

Toki, I have over 100 orchid plants, not collections! Within the 100+ plants there are all types; from the phals. paphs, dens, onc, catts, some vandaceous, masdavallias, cyms, etc. I have single plants in different species like a mormodes, cycnodes, gongora, paphinia, cleistoma, haraella, and so forth. I really like the miniatures but have a favorite dendrobium that NEVER fails to bloom as well as a favorite phal or two, paph and oncidium. I don't restrict myself to any particular type of orchid and find that some which are termed "easy" or "difficult" are not necessarily so. What you have to examine is what type of growing conditions you are able to provide and how much attention you are able to give to your chosen plants. For example, masdavallias require very different conditions from vandas. So unless you are able to provide different conditions, I'd examine what I have and find the plants which meet those conditions.

I don't have a greenhouse but a heated sunroom with its own thermostat, and sky lights so I can control the environment somewhat. In summer, I have a few orchids which can go outside, but it's actually easier to keep most of them in the sunroom where I can control the amount of sun, air, water and temperature. I'm not always successful with the plants, but I always have something in bloom!

I buy my plants from different sources. I get them at Home Depot, Lowe's, local nurseries, my local orchid society's show & sale and also from some great on-line retailers. The on-line sellers have a greater variety of plants if you're interested in plants not available in your area.

My advice (as just a hobby grower) is to be prepared for trial and error. There are certain requirements ALL orchids need, and if you can meet the minimum requirements you should be successful. By the way, you should invest in a couple of good books about orchids and start stocking up on pots and potting supplies. I use only distilled water on my plants as we have very hard well water which I don't think is adequate for my beloved orchids. Be mindful of watering and fertilizing them, even keeping a calender if need be (I do).

I hope I've been more helpful than confusing! This should be fun and not a chore! I don't see where you are located so it's difficult to apply what I do to what works in your area. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions because we're all here to share our experiences and if one of us doesn't know, I'm sure someone else does.

Lots of luck1
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Old 03-03-2008, 02:36 PM
InspirChid1712 InspirChid1712 is offline
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Its really cool that you live in California... you'll have no trouble growing them out there! Dendrobiums are some of my favorites too- they are so whimsical and full of cheer. I have all sorts that I have saved from clearance shelves at the local WalMart... the only trouble is that they are starting their spring growth so early this year. I am worried they will get a weak start before they go outside in mid-May and not flower so well in the fall!!! I lived in Arizona for a while, and though it was tough to keep them humid, you can't beat the constant sunshine that keeps them happy through the year! (filtered sunshine, of course!) Happy growing, and I'm sure your collection will grow very very rapidly!
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Old 03-03-2008, 03:54 PM
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Hi! The people here are really nice! They have answered all my questions too!
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Old 03-03-2008, 03:55 PM
tokidoki tokidoki is offline

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hello orchid lovers Male

hey there!! thanks for the wonderful advice.. wow i do see myself having lots of orchids in the future.. but not as many as 100.. hehe... btw here is a picture of my newest collection.. i just recently repotted it because the store where i bought it from had the orchid packed in tight moss which was wet and suffocated the roots.. for now im hoping the buds will bloom

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Old 03-03-2008, 03:59 PM
tokidoki tokidoki is offline

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hello orchid lovers Male

hello and thank you all for the reply.. yes i do find this website quite friendly and informational from people who are experienced.... btw, do u guys know an online store where i can order very beautiful dendrobium but is not too pricey?
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:07 PM
GreggC GreggC is offline
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hello orchid lovers Male
Default Excuse me for asking

but do you have a sibling named Oki?
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:09 PM
tokidoki tokidoki is offline

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hello orchid lovers Male

lol no i dont hehe.. tokidoki is a brand.. a new icon in the fashion world :] with cute characters.
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Old 03-03-2008, 05:03 PM
moogiemama moogiemama is offline
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hello orchid lovers Female

I have used: Oak Hill Gardens
Orchids by Hausermann
Carter & Holmes
Nice plants from all 3. Many of them price by the size of the pot. The good thing about purchasing from the big box stores is they have a 1 year guarantee. You have to have it in the original pot with the original sticker on it, though. I usually mark right on the sales receipt the name of the plant (or plants) purchased and keep an envelope just in case it dies or the roots end up being rotten. None of the on-line retailers will give a guarantee like that. But the selection is really good.
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Old 03-03-2008, 05:14 PM
tokidoki tokidoki is offline

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hello orchid lovers Male

thanks moogiemama i will check them out
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