Hello, just registered!
I used to have an account here ages ago but I somehow messed up the email verification and could never post
I finally got around to making a new account today!
I used to have possibly hundreds of orchids (no official count...)
Recently I got rid of almost all of them due to lack of resources (grow space, time to care for them, funds, etc...)
I did keep a few and am definitely still interested in the hobby though!
Recently I've been working on sowing seeds in-vitro since I have experience with agar culture of other organisms. (mycology)
My current collection is as follows:
Ctsm. fimbriatum 'Golden Horizon'
Ctsm. boyi (in early spike)
Ctsm. tenebrosum (in early spike)
Ctsm. schmidtianum seedling
Galeandra leptoceras (in bud)
3x Mexipedium xerophyticum seedlings
Currently I'm growing entirely indoors under metal halide lighting.
I have quite a few non-orchid plants as well.