Greetings from Norway
Hello everyone.
I came here after a few Google searches, to get advice on identification and care for my new orchid, but found out I need five posts before I can post pictures. This is number one.
I just bought my first ever orchid, a beautiful, yellow, Cambria hybrid with slender and pointy leaves. I recently moved into a new apartment with my wonderful girlfriend and figured it was about time to get some plants to liven up the place. I'm all fresh in the field of proper orchid care, so I'm happy to have found a forum that, at least by first glance, seems to be active. I hope to be able to connect with a few people here and show some progress on my own orchid in the time to come and I want to learn as much as possible about caring for this plant and make it thrive.
I wish you all a happy weekend, do what thou wilt.