I'm pretty much there already as having more than I can care for. I went from 3-4 that I could water once a week to a kool-cell that drains daily and some mounted ones that pretty much wanted to be watered daily as well.
I've since put the mounted ones in a pot of sphagnum and I've been able to drastically cut back on my time with them. They're down to once a week. It wasn't good for them to dry out so much between waterings. I'm going to try to put something on top of the kool-cell to make sure it's not evaporating out of the top. I suspect it's not, though.
I've got 3 horses that are mine right now. I take care of six, with an additional 3 when the whether is nasty and my uncle can't make it out to take care of his, up the road. I've got a fat old paint I ride and two young paint/arabs that have been started. I really don't get to ride much, though.