Hello from Georgia
I'm totally new here. I'm a rose guy or rather used to be. After about ten active years and lots of gorgeous roses I just lost interest a bit. They were lovely, but a fair amount of work, particularly since I live in partial shade and roses need LOTS of sun.
Was in Washington, DC last week visiting my adult son and stumbled into the Orchid Show at the DC Arboretum. Frankly, I was blown away by the varieties, colors and in some cases the fragrances. Now I'd like to know more.
I know nothing about Orchids other than I acquired the book The Orchid Thief several years ago and never read it. I guess now's the time.
Oh, I live north of Atlanta a bit...wonder what will grow here? Thanks for accepting my membership here!
Last edited by Drummer; 04-20-2016 at 05:22 PM..